Selo de Mar project goals

Study and recover fish conservation techniques and innovate from them, with present scientific knowledge and equipments.
Promote species considered “minor”, preferably using those that are not valued by the consumer.
Carry out and promote the full use of fish.

This project, which we call SELO DE MAR(sea stamp), aims to study and recover techniques of fish conservation and innovate from them. The seasonality of raw materials, the wealth of some resources in short periods of the year, in contrast with others with greater limitations, quickly invited the Portuguese to develop conservation techniques, resulting in a great tradition for Portugal in this field, by using mainly the two most important resources, which are abundant: salt and sun.

We promote species considered “minor”, preferably using those that are not valued by the consumer. We seek the full use of fish.

The seasonality of raw materials, the wealth of some resources in short periods of the year, in contrast with others with greater limitations, quickly invited the Portuguese to develop conservation techniques, resulting in a great tradition for Portugal in this field, by using mainly the two most important resources, which are abundant: salt and sun.

We can use almost everything in a fish, as we traditionally do with pork. Of the head of larger fish we cure the throat and serve it with potatoes and peas stew. From the head meat tightly pressed we can still make terrine, making use of almost all the fish.

Portugal’s long coastline, from early days, has led the Portuguese towards the sea in search for new horizons. In this way a maritime odyssey was born creating a culture of seafood, enhanced by the access to excellent fish. 


A identidade do Selo de Mar é composta por uma ilustração do artista gráfico Manuel Lapa, que de forma exímia modelou esculturas gráficas a luz e sombra,  tendo moldado uma boa parte da nossa história visual contemporânea. 
The illustration was designed for the cover of the book " "A Amazónia no fabulário e na arte"", by Gastão de Bettencourt, 1946 edition by Pro Domo.
We thank the family for the authorization to use this work for the identity of the Selo de Mar, that illustrates so well the spirit of this project. Thank you.

Manuel Lapa (Lisbon, 20.09.1914 – 11.12.1979) was one of the most important illustrators and graphic artists of the second generation of Portuguese Modernism.
Graduated from the Lisbon School of Fine Arts, he was a professor at the same institution.
In 1940, he assumes the art direction of the Portuguese World Exhibition. He has directed and/or collaborated with magazines such as Panorama, Diana or Atlântico.
He participated in several exhibitions and was part of the team of artists-decorators of the Museum of Popular Art.
In 1947 he was awarded with the Domingos Sequeira Prize.
He was part of the group of founders of IADE / Instituto de Arte, Decoração e Design de Lisboa.