SELO DE MAR recipes

We want to inspire you out how to use Selo de Mar product and our Garum. We’ve compiled recipes using our products and we will love to have your feed back

SELO DE MAR is a project with one purpose at its heart – to study, recover and reinvent traditional Portuguese techniques of canning and conserving fish. And always to innovate. Portugal has a long history of developing and improving techniques for canning and conserving fish – not least thanks to three key natural resources: abundant fish, sun and salt. 

All SELO DE MAR products come from fish caught in Lusitanian waters and are created with great attention to detail. We use only fish caught in the Atlantic, mainly near Set bal, plus salt from the nearby Sado river estuary.

There are plenty of great uses for SELO DE MAR products. You can use them to perk up salads, pasta and bruschettas, or enjoy them straight and simple with a glass of wine. 


The most valuable condiment of the Roman Empire was garum, a fermented fish sauce full of umami that, two thousand years later, has not only returned, but has returned to you now via our reinterpretation of this legendary sauce. 

All our garum batches are produced with fish from Lusitanian waters and created with great attention to detail. 

We use only fish caught here in the Atlantic, mainly near Setúbal, plus salt from the Sado river estuary.


How to use Garum


Use Garum effectively while starting to add small amounts to your dishes during the cooking process. It acts as a flavour enhancer, adding depth and complexity to soups, rice, pasta, meat and fish dishes. Garum adds a unique depth of flavour to any recipe, making it an essential condiment for any culinary enthusiast.
Atua como intensificador de sabor, agregando profundidade e complexidade a sopas, arroz, massas, pratos de carne e peixe.
Garum adiciona uma profundidade de sabor única a qualquer receita, tornando-o um condimento essencial para qualquer entusiasta da culinária.


Seasoning is more than just adding flavour - it’s about creating harmony and balance on the plate. To harness the full Umami potential of Garum, begin by understanding its unique role in flavour enhancement. Start by adding two or tree drops and gradually adjust to your taste, allowing the flavours to harmonize and blend into perfection.
Para aproveitar todo o potencial Umami do Garum, comece entendendo seu papel único na intensificação do sabor.
Comece adicionando duas ou três gotas e ajuste gradualmente ao seu gosto, permitindo que os sabores se harmonizem e se misturem na perfeição.


Seasoning is more than just adding flavour - it’s about creating harmony and balance on the plate. To harness the full Umami potential of Garum, begin by understanding its unique role in flavour enhancement. Start by adding two or tree drops and gradually adjust to your taste, allowing the flavours to harmonize and blend into perfection.
Pode combiná-lo com especiarias, ervas e frutas cítricas para receitas de carne ou frutos do mar.
Para vegetais, pode misturar Garum em azeite ou vinagre.
Deixe marinar brevemente para permitir que os sabores se misturem e cozinhe com perfeição para ter a melhor experiência culinária Umami.

We will love to have your feed back. Please tag us on instagram.


Carbottarga Ingredientes para 2 pessoas: 250 gr massa fresca 1