Selo de Mar recipes

We want to inspire you to create delicious dishes using Selo de Mar products and our Garum! We've compiled recipes so you can make the most of these unique products.

Portugal has great traditions in fish preservation techniques, using mainly the two most abundant resources, salt and sun. SELO DE MAR is a project that aims to study and recover fish preservation techniques and innovate based on them. 

All SELO DE MAR products are produced with fish from Lusitanian waters and made with great attention to detail and rigour. We only use fish from the Atlantic, mainly from the waters of Setúbal. The salt used is only produced in the Sado estuary.

There are many ways to use SELO DE MAR products, such as in salads, pastas, tibornas, or just enjoying them plain with a good wine. You can also add a few drops of garum. 


The most valuable condiment of the Roman Empire was garum, a fermented fish sauce full of umami that, two thousand years later, you can taste in our reinterpretation of this exceptional condiment. 

All our batches of garum are produced with fish from Lusitanian waters and made with great attention to detail and rigour. 

We only use fish from the Atlantic, mainly from the waters of Setúbal. The salt used is only produced in the Sado estuary.


How to use Garum

When making

Use Garum effectively by starting to add a few drops to dishes during the cooking process.
It acts as a flavour enhancer, adding depth and complexity to soups, rice, pasta, meat and fish dishes.
Garum adds a unique depth of flavour to any recipe, making it an essential condiment for any culinary enthusiast.


Seasoning is more than just adding flavour - it's about creating harmony and balance in the dish.
To make the most of Garum's Umami potential, start by understanding its unique role in intensifying flavour.
Start by adding two or three drops and gradually adjust to your taste, allowing the flavours to harmonise and blend perfectly.


During the marinating process, the Garum will enrich the ingredients with a depth of flavour.
You can combine it with spices, herbs and citrus fruits for meat or seafood recipes.
For vegetables, you can mix Garum in olive oil or vinegar.
Leave to marinate briefly to allow the flavours to blend and cook to perfection for the ultimate Umami cooking experience.

We'd like to know how you use garum in your dishes. And to know if you loved it. Please tag Selo de Mar on your Instagram.


Carbottarga Ingredients for 2 people: 250 gr fresh pasta 1