
Our identity

Sea Seal Identity

Selo de Mar's identity is composed of an illustration by graphic artist Manuel Lapa, who expertly modelled graphic sculptures in light and shadow, shaping a good part of our contemporary visual history. 
The illustration was designed for the cover of the book "A Amazónia no fabulário e na arte" by Gastão de Bettencourt, published in 1946 by Pro Domo.
We would like to thank the family for authorising us to use this work for the identity of the Selo de Mar, which we can see ourselves in and which illustrates the spirit of this project so well. Thank you.

Manuel Lapa (Lisbon, 20.09.1914 - 11.12.1979) was one of the most important illustrators and graphic artists of the second generation of Portuguese Modernism.
He graduated from the Lisbon School of Fine Arts and taught at the same institution.
In 1940 he was art director of the Portuguese World Exhibition. He directed and/or collaborated with magazines such as Panorama, Diana and Atlântico.
He took part in several exhibitions and was part of the team of artist-decorators at the Museum of Popular Art.
In 1947 he was awarded the Domingos Sequeira Prize.
He was one of the founding members of IADE/Institute of Art, Decoration and Design in Lisbon.

Original cover of the book "A Amazónia no fabulário e na arte", by Gastão de Bettencourt, 1946 edition by Pro Domo.

Cover of the catalogue for the exhibition "Manuel Lapa da luz e das sombras", held in Matosinhos 

The exhibition catalogue - Manuel Lapa - Illustration, Arranha-Céus Editora -, edited by Jorge Silva, features around 300 pieces.
Edition: Arranha-céus Editora, Jorge Silva
Pages: 224
Dimensions: 24 x 33 x 1.8 cm.

BOOKS individual posts

Family Seamstress - A Complete Treatise on Cupping and Sewing

Family Seamstress - A Complete Treatise on Cupping and Sewing

TITLE: Family chef

SUB TITLE: Complete Cupboard and Kitchen Treatise

AUTHOR: unknown

DATE 4th EDITION: unknown

PUBLISHER: Livraria e typographia de F. Silva - Lisbon


16x12cm. 140 pages. text

Valuable collection of recipes for making lunches, suppers, snacks, preserves, puddings, cakes, jams, ice creams, fruit syrups, liqueurs, fine and artificial wines, crémes, vinegar, soft drinks, etc., etc.

Formulas to prevent bad smells, odour and rancidity, to scare away ants, to repair crockery, to know about forgeries, etc.

BOOKS individual posts

Kitchen art

Kitchen art

Art of cookery: part one. It deals with how to cook various delicacies and all kinds of meats, pies, tarts, pastries, etc.

Authors: Rodrigues, Domingos, 1637-1719

Handwritten note: First cookery book published in Portugal. The author was Domingos Rodrigues, born in 1637 and died in 1719. The book was printed by João Galvão, Lisbon, 1680. It was published in 1683 by the same printer. 3rd edition in 1668 by Manoel Lopes Ferreira. It was also reprinted in 1732 by the Ferreiriana workshop; in 1741 by Carlos Esteves Mariz; in 1704 (?) by João Antonio dos Reis; in 1814 by Eugenio Augusto and in 1836 by the same printer. It was not possible to identify the edition due to the mutilation of the present copy, which was acquired in a Lisbon second-hand bookshop.

1st edition - 1680 - printed by João Galvão, Lisbon

2nd edition - 1683 - same printer

3rd edition - 1689 - in the workshop of Manoel Lopes Ferreira

1732 – Ferreirian workshop;

1741 – workshop by Carlos Esteves Mariz;

1704 (?) in the workshop by João Antonio dos Reis; 

1814 Eugenio Augusto and 1836on the same printer

The best known, and considered the first cookery treatise published in Portugal, is Domingos Rodrigues' (1637-1719) A arte da cozinha, which came out in 1680. Domingos Rodrigues claimed to have 29 years on the cooker and a multitude of banquets devoured by the guests of the Portuguese royal table when he published a small volume dedicated to the arts of cookery. "All the things I teach I have tried by my own hand and most of them I have invented by my own skill," he wrote in the prologue. The royal cook is said to have started practising his trade at an early age, during the reign of King João IV, the first sovereign of the Bragança dynasty. He won the favour of His Majesty Pedro II, "the peaceful", by working hard and "with neatness and cleanliness". The history of Arte de cozinha is curious. Known as Portugal's first cookery book, the volume written by Domingos Rodrigues had three editions during the author's lifetime. The first in 1680, the second in 1683 and finally, the last in 1698. Others were published throughout the 18th century, in 1732, 1741, 1758, 1765 and 1794. A real publishing success in a country where, at the time, publishing a book wasn't easy or that common. At the time of Domingos Rodrigues - i.e. at the end of the 17th century - we realise that the use of saffron, sugar and the most varied spices and peppers is one of the elements that demonstrates the economic power of the Portuguese empire, which could send foodstuffs that cost fortunes from the most distant places on the globe. In this way, Domingos Rodrigues' book gives us a clue both to what the king's kitchen meant and what was eaten at Portuguese royal dinners. The book is therefore both a reflection of everyday life and a meeting place for customs over the centuries. The book underwent changes with each new edition, with different recipes being added or removed. Amongst the editions available at Brasiliana USP, the first of which has an unspecified date and the second from 1732, we can see some changes. The 1732 edition is considered the most complete ever found in Portugal. It even served as the basis for the book being reissued by the Imprensa Nacional/Casa da Moeda in 1987. The 1836 edition has a curious history: it was printed in 1836 in the workshops of J.J. Barroso e Cia. in Rio de Janeiro. In the history of the book's editions, this one - the Brazilian one - was never counted as "official" by Portuguese researchers Maria da Graça Pericão and Maria Isabel Faria.


Garum sales points

Garum sales points



Ask Me Lisboa | Lisboa Shop
Rua do Arsenal, 5, 1100-148, Lisbon


Lisbon Story Centre
Terreiro do Paço, 78 | 81 1100-148 Lisbon

Cod History Interpretive Centre
Terreiro do Paço -Torreão Nascente 1100-148 Lisbon

Lisbon Roman Theatre (Lisbon Museum - Roman Theatre)
R. de São Mamede 3 A, 1100-532 Lisbon


Canned Food Shop
Rua do Arsenal 130, 1100-040 Lisbon




Ask Me Arrábida
Travessa Frei Gaspar, 10, 2900-388, Setúbal

Gastronomy collections

Books timeline 1950 -

1950 -

Publications and other curiosities about Portuguese gastronomy

This will always be a constantly evolving project. Every day we discover a new item and add to it. This list is organised chronologically, and it is not always possible to determine the date of each publication. In these cases, we've chosen to list in the time frame we consider most likely.

In some cases we have a copy of the publication, which we digitise and make the images available. In other cases, we link to scans on other websites.

We hope you enjoy it and if you can contribute in any way to enriching this page, we'd be very grateful.

Cooks' Treasure

Treasure of the Cooks, a book of Mirene


2nd and 3rd Edition

2nd Edition
Publisher: Livraria Simões Lopes by Manuel Barreira Porto

"The first edition of Arte de Bem Saborear sold out quickly. Our bold initiative to launch a magnificent and extraordinary culinary encyclopaedia on the market, with a very luxurious presentation that matches, if not surpasses, the best of what has been published abroad, was a success and the public responded with encouraging support. We were blown away. And so we promised ourselves to do better.

We promised and, as always, we delivered! This 2nd edition of Arte de Bem Saborear, expanded with new recipes and new illustrations, proves it". - taken from the Editor's Note to the 2nd edition.

The Practical Cook: an interesting cookery guide within everyone's reach

The Practical Cook, a book by Little Mary

Editorial Minerva 1st edition 1952
Another edition D.L. 1975


Quick cooking, practical recipes

Marilita 1953

1ST EDITION: QUICK COOKERY. COOKING, SWEETS, DRINKS. RECEITAS PRÁTICAS - Marilita, Porto, Livraria Simões Lopes de Manuel Barreira Editor, [n.d.].


The 500 best recipes for cooking

Olga Albuquerque Lisbon. Universal Literary Company

The pleasure of the table: practical recipes taught by images and ultra-modern processes

Olga Albuquerque Porto. Figueirinhas 1953

My sweet book.

AREAL, Maria Olímpia. My sweets book. (Within reach of everyone) Selected and tried recipes. Oporto. Author's edition, July 1953.
Composed and printed at Tipografia Modesta R. Caldeireiros 43, Porto

Engravings and polychromy of the cover by Simão Guimarães, Filhos Lda

Other books by the author:
My cookery bookselected and tried recipes"
"Economical Meals, within everyone's reach"


July 1953 nº246

ABC OF COOKERY. Cookery and Cakes Correspondence Course.

ABC OF KITCHEN" - 7 vols. by Iréne Vizi.
Publisher: Culinary Institute. Dim: 22×16 cm.

Other editions:
3rd edition (D.L. 1955) nos. 1,2, 5 and 6
4th edition (D.L. 1956) nos. 1-6
5th edition (D.L. 1956) nos. 1-6
6th edition (D.L. 1956) nos. 1-6


Family Sweets. Selected and Tried Recipes

AREAL (Maria Olímpia)
Family Sweets. Selected and Experimented Recipes. Porto: Edições Asa, 1953.

1st edition July 1953
2nd edition December 1959
3rd edition December 1960

How to remove Luças sardines

Matosinhos : Lucas Brand , [ D. L. 1955 ) 

The Best Cooking Recipes

ALVES, Libânia de Sousa. The best cookery recipes.[s.l.]: Author's edition, [1955].

Selected sweets

ALVES, Libânia de Sousa. Selected sweets. Porto: Author's edition, [1955]. Vera Cruz Collection 3


ALVES, Libânia de Sousa. The best natural cooking recipes. [s.l.]: Author's edition, [1956]. Vera Cruz Collection 9

Almonds in homemade sweets

Porto: Duarte Carlos Cabral

1956 - 1965

MARIA, Rosa. 100 ways... Porto: Livraria Civilização, 1956 - 1965

What and how to eat

Collection: Eutrophological Naturism Library Author: José Castro Publisher: Natura, Lisbon

Cookbook "How to cook tinned Portuguese sardines "

Published by the Portuguese Institute of Canned Fish


The art of cooking in Portugal: a Portuguese gastronomic guide


Tinned fruit and vegetables. Home preparation.

National Fruit Board 1960. Agronomist Maria Emília Abreu Semedo. Illustrations by Fred Kradolfer. Photo by Artur Pastor.

Text based on lessons from Maria Emília Abreu Semedo's 1956 practical course on canning fruit and vegetables


Portuguese world cuisine

M.A.M. [collective pseud. of Maria Adelina Monteiro Grillo and Margarida Futscher Pereira]

Portuguese world cuisine. Porto: Livr. Tavares Martins, 1962

The art of Royal cuisine

Lisbon. João Machado da Conceição & Cª

Another edition in 1968

Regional Portuguese cuisine

Maria Odette Cortes Valente. Livraria Almedina Coimbra, 1973


Selected Recipes

MODESTO, Maria de Lurdes. Selected recipes. Lisbon: Verbo, 1978.

 Traditional Portuguese cuisine

 Traditional Portuguese Cuisine from Maria de Lourdes Modesto

As cookery was not seen as particularly important at the beginning of the 20th century from the point of view of gaining social notoriety, both women and men resorted to anagrams and pseudonyms to hide their real names. Thus, Agarena de Leon is an anagram of Helena de Aragãowhile Auronanda is the pseudonym of Aurora Jardim Aranha, Isalita The Maria Isabel Campos Henriques, Mirene The Maria Irene Andrade Braga da Silva Teixeira e Francine Dupré, that of Maria de Lurdes Modesto who, in the meantime, abandoned it, following the growing interest and popularity that the public was giving it.

in Women's cookery: the first recipe books written by Portuguese women. Isabel M. R. Mendes Drumond Braga

4 Seasons at Casa da Comida

 4 Seasons at Casa da Comida - Cooking in Portugal, by Jorge Vale

1st Edition Círculo de Leitores

Portuguese cookery books

Portuguese cookery books. Co-ordination and bibliographical research by Manuela Rego. Lisbon: National Library, 1998.

The most complete and esteemed catalogue of Portuguese cookery books, it makes a remarkable contribution to the study and dissemination of the ninth art in Portugal, listing over a thousand specimens, many of which are unknown to the general public and absent from other catalogues of the same kind. Illustrated in black and colour with reproductions of dozens of book frontispieces and some menus. With an extensive onomastic index.



Gastronomy collections

Books timeline 1900- 1950

1900 - 1950

Publications and other curiosities about Portuguese gastronomy

This will always be a constantly evolving project. Every day we discover a new item and add to it. This list is organised chronologically, and it is not always possible to determine the date of each publication. In these cases, we've chosen to list in the time frame we consider most likely.

In some cases we have a copy of the publication, which we digitise and make the images available. In other cases, we link to scans on other websites.

We hope you enjoy it and if you can contribute in any way to enriching this page, we'd be very grateful.

no date

Complete Cup and Kitchen Treatise 5th edition, augmented


The practical cook

The practical cook, from Maria Sofia P. da Silva, the first cookery book published in Portugal to include vegetarian recipes

19th century
Useful book - Treatise on cookery

Amélia de Lobão de Macedo Chaves de Oliveira - Publisher: Famalicão, Tipográfia Minerva. Dim: 19×12 cm. 399 pages.

2nd edition - Amélia de Lobão de Macedo Chaves de Oliveira - Publisher: Famalicão, Tipográfia Minerva. (n.d.)

Note: is not in the BNP.


The Modern Kitchen

The Modern Kitchen. Editor and owner Henrique Bergante Torres, compiled by J. M. Souza Pereira. People's Library Publishing Company.

The Popular Seamstress of the Poor and Rich, or the Modern Seamstress Treasure

Michaelis Brites de Sá Carneiro. Joaquim Maria da Costa, Porto, 1901

"Since 1850, hundreds of cookery treatises have been published, but in all of them, foreign cuisine predominates, that is, the composition of the formulas are all taken from French, English and German cuisine, which are strange to taste, difficult to handle and the foods that compose them are very expensive - they can only be used for the cuisine of the rich - which is why I asked Mrs Michaella to take charge of coordination. Using simple, healthy and economical formulas that are easy to manipulate, this cookery can be used in the kitchens of the poor and well-off." -The Editor

2nd edition 1908

"Complete Kitchen and Dining Room Treatise" Carlos Bento Maia

"Complete kitchen and pantry set-up" Carlos Bento Maia.
Livraria Editora Guimarães & C.ª, Lisbon


Royal Portuguese and Brazilian Confectioner

Book of Sofia de SousaLivraria Clássica Editora by A. M. Teixeira. Lisbon. 1904.

How should I govern my Home

How I should govern my home, Virginia de Castro e Almeida

"the kitchen is completely in the hands of the cook, but it requires the special care of the housewife [...] the kitchen is the biggest consumer of financial resources and it is necessary that it does not only provide essential sustenance but also a little pleasure, especially for the owner of the house who contributes so much to the expenses"


The Portuguese-American chef

Julia C. de Menezes Lisbon. Livraria Classica Editora

The Art of Cookery: a new treatise on cookery, confectionery, pastry, practical sausage-making, etc.

Lisbon: Partnership António Maria Pereira

The art of confectionery and pastry: a new treatise for the canner and confectioner

Lisbon: Partnership António Maria Pereira 1st edition

2nd edition 1925

circa 1911
Manuel Pratico do Copeiro, Confeiteiro e Pasteleiro for Portuguese and Brazilians.

This book is divided into 5 parts. Compiled and coordinated in line with the most modern books in the speciality, it contains numerous recipes for Portuguese, Brazilian and French sweets and pastries; a developed vocabulary of the technical terms of both arts; the necessary utensils; a description of the oven, its degrees of heat; the choice and preparation of substances and ingredients; a practical way of knowing the points of sugar, various formulas for making all types of pastry, sweets, cakes, ice creams, etc.

Library of Useful and Scientific Books. Francisco Franco's Popular BookshopLisbon, 1911. 

2 volumes


Cookery and sweet recipes used in the Coelhosa manor house

Alzira O. Martins Lisbon. Progresso Stationery Printing House

Family kitchen

Editor Manuel Lucas Torres. Lisbon. Encyclopaedia for everyone no. 3

A book edited by Manuel Lucas Torres, son of Lucas Evangelista Torres, a printer and later a writer and publisher. Manuel Lucas Torres was a publisher, like his brothers João Romano Torres and Fernando Augusto Torres. It was he who carried on his father's work by continuing the publication of the "Encyclopaedia for everyone".

Cookery and Confectionery, today's most comprehensive manual

Polycommercial Edition, Lisbon, 1914

Confectioner's and pastry chef's manual: the new art of canning from

2nd edition Lisbon. Arnaldo Bordalo (Encyclopedia Bordalo, 12)

circa 1920


PUBLISHER: A. de Carvalho. Lisbon

PRINTED BY: Portuguese Renaissance Printing House

The art of sewing or the seamstress's guide: practical ways to sew sweets and puddings

 Lisbon. Barateira Bookshop

Another edition in 1930 and an undated one

The liqueur maker's handbook

CARMO, Manuel Antonio do

Library of Useful and Scientific Books. Containing Numerous Recipes for the Practical Manufacture of Commercial Liqueurs, Liqueur Creams and Crystalised Liqueurs, these Liqueur Formulas being almost unknown in Portugal, cognacs, brandies, syrups, etc., etc. By means of natural essences and effusions. All the processes have already been practically trialled, followed by a short treatise on distillation, which, because it is a very expensive process, we have not developed. Illustrated with indispensable engravings. 4th Edition. Livraria Popular de Francisco Franco. Lisbon. 1922. 20×13.5 cm.

1924 / 1925 / 192?

The collection Culinary Library was initiated in 1924 by Manuel da Matawho signed as Febronia MimosoThis may be to make it easier to reach housewives with a female pseudonym.



Sweets and Baking: Selected Recipes, book by Isalita

First edition in 1925, published by the Centro Tipográfico Colonial, followed by publication by Livrarias Aillaud and Bertrand, with no date or edition number (the 2nd edition must date from 1928 or earlier). The 4th edition, from 1935, was published by Livraria Bertrand, which continued to publish this work until 1951. Since then it has been published by Livraria Sá da Costa and is now in its 28th edition, which came out in 2006.

"If we move on to more general cookery books, then the first author was Isalita, with Doces e Cosinhados: Receitas Escolhidas, published in 1925 and with 25 editions until 1977. In the book, the author proposed daily menus for everyday lunches and dinners and more sumptuous meals, a list of hors-d'oeuvres and a wide range of recipes grouped into the following categories: soups, sauces, eggs, fish, starters, soufflés, meat, poultry and game, galantines, mousses, uses of roast meats and poultry, pasta, Italian pasta, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, artichokes, asparagus, aubergines, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumbers, chayote, spinach, broad beans, peas, beans, lettuce, chestnuts, broccoli, turnips, rice, salads, jam, fruit jams, puddings, end-of-dinner sweets, soufflés, pasta (for sweets), tea jams, biscuits, tea breads and ice cream. As you can see, Isalita started with savoury dishes and ended with sweets, creating many subdivisions in vegetable-based preparations. Her important work inspired other books and was copied by lesser authors."

in Women's cookery: The first recipe books written by Portuguese women. Isabel M. R. Mendes Drumond Braga

 The Art of Eating Well

 The Art of Eating Well, book by Alinanda

Printed by Tipografia Domingos d'Oliveira. Cardboard binding. Dim: 26×19 cm.

The Family Kitchen

The Family Kitchen, Agarena de Leon

Lisbon: Tipografia a Rápida, 1926

2nd Edition 1930 and later (n.d.)

Family Sewing Guide

Clara T. Costa: A Guide to Family Dressmaking

COSTA, Clara T. Guia da cosinheira familiar.
9. ed. Lisbon: Empresa Literária Universal, [1952].
10. ed. Porto: Civilisation [1962].


Brazilian edition, Livraria Antunes, Rua Buenos Aires, 133 Rio de Janeiro

The Family Jam Maker: A Practical Method for Making Jams, Puddings, Ice Cream and Jellies

Clara T. Costa: The Family Sweet Shop

1st edition -1926
2nd edition
3rd edition
4th edition
5th edition
6th edition
7th edition - 1957
8th edition - 1964


6th Edition


Emanuel Ribeiro

Portuguese sweets. History. Decoration. Recipes. Coimbra: University Press. 21x13cm. With 139 pages. Illustrated.


Kitchen Treasure

Jorge Cavalheiro (head cook at the former Hotel Universal)

Colecção de Manuaes Modernos - by Jorge Cavalheiro, National Press, Oporto, 1928.

"All the recipes published here have been trialled with the greatest success and are therefore guaranteed to work."

Olleboma - Cookery

António Maria de Oliveira Belo

Lisbon. Printing house of the Diário de Notícias Company

António Maria de Oliveira Bello was born in Lisbon in 1872. Olleboma is a pseudonym resulting from the initials of his name read backwards: OLLEB for Bello, O for Oliveira, M for Maria and A for António.


Lisbon. Universal Literary Company. 15, Rua da Era, 17. 1930 h.

The Cook's Guide - People's Collection

Livraria Barateira - Imprensa Lucas & C.ª, 1930.

"Economic difficulties and the need to simplify meals led to the creation of simple and inexpensive menus, published in low-cost books sold at 1$00. Rosa Maria, in the preface to one of them, Como se Almoça por 1$50: 100 Almoços Diferentes, referred to this in 1933, the date of the first edition. The same happened in Como se Janta por 3$00. 100 Different Dinners, also published in 1933. Both books were published three times until 1936. The first consisted of 40 pages, the second 52. They were printed on poor quality paper, with small print and no indices. The recipes presented were naturally simple and economical, and it is worth noting that they did not include desserts, which were seen as a luxury, and that the prices of the food always appear, taking into account the Lisbon market"

Braga, Isabel M. R. Mendes Drumond (2016), Culinária e etiqueta em Portugal nos anos 30: as propostas de Estela Brandão. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra; Annablume, (accessed on on 26 May 2017) (p. 602).  


MARIA, Rosa. 1st edition Lisbon: Empresa Literária Universal 

Other editions 5th edition 1941 / 6th edition D.L. 1952 / 7th edition D.L. 1953 / 9th edition 1955 / 11th edition 1957 / 12th edition 1958 / 13th edition 1959/ 14th edition 1962 / 15th edition 1966 / 18th edition 1967 / 19th edition 1969 / 1972 New edition / 24th edition 1974 / 25th edition 1975 / 26th (27th) ? edition 1977 / 28th edition 1978 / 29th edition 1981 / 30th edition 1982

The confectioner's guide to your home

Maria Margarida

Cartaxo. 1st Edition Papelaria e Tipografia Treze

1935 and (n.d.)
Honey: its applications in home baking

Organised by the Central Beekeeping Promotion Office - Lisbon. Ministry of Agriculture 1935

Manuela's treats

Nelma EstevesManuela's treats. Porto: Domingos Barreira, 1936

Olleboma - Cookery

António Maria de Oliveira Belo

Lisbon. Author's edition - prologue by Albino Forjaz de Sampaio
1994 edition by Assírio & Alvim


Portuguese cuisine and tourism

António Maria de Oliveira Belo

This paper was intended for the 1st National Tourism Congress, but was never presented due to the death of the author.

Fruit Utilisation and Preservation

António Maria de José Cidrais

Ministry of Agriculture - General Directorate of Agricultural Services - Department of Studies, Information and Propaganda 1st edition. Lisbon, 1937

Theoretical and practical manual on rational nutrition

Cavaco, A. Martins Lisbon : Author's edition, 1938

Cookbook "How to cook tinned Portuguese sardines "

Published by the Portuguese Institute of Canned Fish

ETP - Fred Kradolfer


Porto. National Lithography


 Voluptuousness, The Ninth Art

 Voluptuousness, The Ninth Art: The Gastronomy of Albino Forjaz de Sampaio

Agrarian Collection

Preserving and drying fruit and vegetables

circa 1940
The fruits of Portugal: a few notes

Amílcar de Sousa Port. José S. F. Guimarães - wine and fruit recipes

Agricultural Library
Ruiz Iglesias Buisan



Alda Azevedo 2nd edition completely reworked, improved and annotated.
Lisbon. Universal Literary Company

 1943 3rd Edition / 1943 4th Edition / 1957 9th Edition / 1958 10th Edition 1960 / 11th Edition 1963 / 12th Edition / 1973 19th Edition / 1976 23rd Edition 7 1978 / 25th Edition


Canning: History and evolution of canning methods

J. A. Ferreira da Costa, Conservas, Lisbon : Gráf . Lisbonense, 1943

Portuguese sweets

Maria do Minho - Porto. Portucalense Editora (Popular Library)


The Book of Pantagruel, of Bertha Rosa Limpo

To mark the end of the Second World War, the lyrical singer Berta Rosa Limpo (b. 1981) published O Livro de Pantagruel in 1945, a classic that went to press in 1997 for its 63rd edition, revised and updated by Maria Manuela Limpo Caetano. This is a unique work on the Portuguese culinary publishing scene, originally containing 1,500 recipes, many of them of a distinctly international nature. Unlike almost all previous works, this cookery book was not written with the well-off in mind. In the preface to the first edition, the author confessed her passion for cookery, her first compilation of family recipes, which she carried out in 1914, and her direct contact with French and Italian chefs from the different European hotels she toured, who provided her with various recipes. He also realised that all the recipes had been tried and that they all gave good results if the instructions were followed to the letter.


Canned Fish Magazine

First issue of the magazine Tinned Fish, on the Portuguese tinned fish industry

Monthly technical magazine on the canned fish industry and trade, owned by Sociedade da Revista Conservas de Peixe, directed by António de Oliveira Torres Botelho, based in Lisbon.

Publication between / Date range: 1946 to 1972

Total issues published 321
Covers designed by ETP Estúdio Técnico de Publicidade


Practical Treatise on Rational Nutrition

A. Martins Cavaco 2nd edition Lisbon Natura


Graphic design: A. Barata

Composed and printed by Tipografia Duarte - Travessa do Carmo, 5 - Lisbon

Engravings by Armeis & Moreno Lda - Travessa São João da Praça 36A, 38 Lisboa

August 1948

20,000 copies

Blandimar: Culinary Art

Introduction by Pacheco de Amorim. 1st edition. Publisher: Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 1949.

Gastronomy collections

Books timeline 19th century

19th century

Publications and other curiosities about Portuguese gastronomy

This will always be a constantly evolving project. Every day we discover a new item and add to it. This list is organised chronologically, and it is not always possible to determine the date of each publication. In these cases, we've chosen to list in the time frame we consider most likely.

In some cases we have a copy of the publication, which we digitise and make the images available. In other cases, we link to scans on other websites.

We hope you enjoy it and if you can contribute in any way to enriching this page, we'd be very grateful.

15th century
Infanta Maria of Portugal's Cookery Book

The Cookery Book of Infanta Maria of Portugal, the first cookery book in Portugal, 15th century

17th century

 Manuscript 142 from the Braga District Archive, attributed to Friar Luís de Távora


Kitchen Art of Domingos Rodrigues, cook to the Portuguese Royal House

RODRIGUES, Domingos, 1637-1719
Art of cooking divided into four parts, the first deals with how to cook various stews of all kinds of meats, and preserves, pies, pies, and pastries. The second deals with fish, shellfish, fruit, herbs, eggs, dairy products, sweets and preserves of the same kind. The third to prepare mezai [sic] at all times of the year, to host princes and ambassadors. The fourth on making puddings, and preparing pasta... Corrected, and amended in this latest edition. / Author Domingos Rodrigues... - Lisboa : na Offic. da Viuva de Lino da Silva Godinho : vende na loja de João Nunes Esteves, 1821. - 286, [2 br.] p. ; 8º (16 cm)

issue date ?

"Art of cookery: part one. It deals with how to cook various delicacies and all kinds of meats, pies, tarts, pastries, &c."

Handwritten note: First cookery book published in Portugal. The author was Domingos Rodrigues, born in 1637 and died in 1719. The book was printed by João Galvão, Lisbon, 1680. It was published in 1683 by the same printer. 3rd edition in 1668 by Manoel Lopes Ferreira. It was also reprinted in 1732 by the Ferreiriana workshop; 1741 by Carlos Esteves Mariz; in 1704 (?) by João Antonio dos Reis; in 1814 by Eugenio Augusto and in 1836 by the same printer. It was not possible to identify the edition of this copy as it does not mention any date or printing information.



Silvestre Aranha, Jesuit priest


New Art of Cookery, Lucas Rigaud

Lisbon 1807, Typografia Lacerdina.

A classic work of Portuguese cookery from the Baroque era, with several editions published in the 18th and 19th centuries: 1st edition in 1780; 2nd in 1785; 3rd in 1798; 4th in 1807; 5th in 1826 and 6th in 1846.


Arte Nova e Curiosa para Conserveiros, Confeiteiros e Copeiros, the first book on Portuguese confectionery - author unknown

Arte Nova, e Curiosa, Para Conserveiros, Confeiteiros, e Copeiros, e mais Pessoas que se occupão em fazer doces, e conservas com frutas de varias qualidades, e outras muitas receitas particulares, que pertencem a mesma arte. - Lisbon: Offices of José de Aquino Bolhoens


With the method of utilising anchovies and the salting of coarse fish such as tuna, hake, red seabream and the like, etc.

In the Regia workshop
Year of M. DCCCIV
By Superior Order

The art of the cook and the butler, compiled from the best authors who have written about it recently

The art of the cook and the butler, compiled from the best authors who have written about it in recent times...brought out by A Friend of the Progress of Civilisation

Typography of the Society for the Propagation of Useful Knowledge: 1841

The author is the Viscount of Vilarinho de S. Romão. Extracted mainly from La maison de campagne, published in 8122, by Mmme. Aglae Adanson.
2nd edition 1845

The complete cook or the new art of the cook and butler, in all its genres

O cozinheiro completo or nova arte de cozinheiro e de copeiro, em todos os seus generos : preceded by the method for carving and serving the table; containing the most modern and exquisite recipes for perfectly and delicately preparing different soups and varied delicacies, and the way to make pasta, sweets and jams. - Lisbon : Typ. de Luiz Correia da Cunha, 1849

2nd edition - 1851
4th edition - 1859
7th edition - 1867
9th edition - 1873
11th edition - 1879
14th edition - 1893


The Modern Cook, Confectioner and Liqueurist

Lisbon - In the Typ. of Mathias José Marques da Silva, 1848

A collection of real and useful recipes for making various types of sweets, biscuits and liqueurs easily and economically; with a knowledge of sugar points and how to prepare trays of sweets.

by B.A.B. Lisbon. Typography by B. A. Rebello 1849

Distiller's manual or easy way to prepare different precious wines to perfection

1st edition Lisbon Bordalo Store

2nd edition (n.d.)
34th Lisbon Livraria de J.J. Bordalo 1868
5th edition 1873
6th edition 1878
7th edition Manual do distillador e do licorista ou modo fácil... 1884
8th edition 1981
9th edition Distiller's, liqueur maker's and punch maker's manual 1894
10th edition Lisbon. Arnaldo Bordalo 1898
11th addition Distiller's and liqueur maker's manual 1907
12th edition Enciclopédia Bordalo 1915
13th edition 1920
14th edition Lisbon. Francisco Franco 1924
15th edition 1950

Forms for kitchens and pantries

Printed in Porto, at the Tipographia de D. António Moldes , 1860.

Anonymous author


The seaman's seamanCollection of over 1000 Recipes. Lisbon: Tipografia Luso-Britanica, 1870.

The Cook's Cook (1890)

O Cozinheiro dos Cozinheiros, P. Plantier-editor, Lisbon, no date (1890), with 791 pages Illustrated in the text

First published in 1870, this is a new, improved edition


The Cook's Cook (1890)

O Cozinheiro dos Cozinheiros, P. Plantier-editor, Lisbon, no date (1890), with 791 pages Illustrated in the text

First published in 1870, this is a new, improved edition


New edition 1890

Chef's Manual

Manual for the Couturier. Portuguese and French cookery. Lisbon. J. J. Bordalo. 1871.

The Art of Waiting at Table or Useful Precepts for Children and Householders

The Art of Serving at Table or Useful Precepts for Children and Householders, João da Mata

João da Mata, the most famous and emblematic chef of the time. He started out as a kitchen boy and worked as a cook in various houses in Lisbon, having learnt from French specialists. In 1848, he opened a grazing house in Rua do Alecrim in Lisbon. Later, in 1858, he opted for a larger space in Rua do Ouro and, in 1864, he created the Mata hotels. He was the author of a booklet called Arte de Servir à Mesa ou Preceitos Uteis para Creados e Dono de Casas (1872) and a famous book entitled Arte de Cozinha, published in 1876, with four editions up to 1900.

in Women's cookery: The first recipe books written by Portuguese women.
Isabel M. R. Mendes Drumond Braga

A cook's and confectioner's manual or how to prepare different delicate cakes, pastries, ice creams, etc.

Lisbon. J.J. Bordalo's Bookshop

Kitchen Art

Kitchen Art, book by João da Mata, with the recipe Clams Bulhão Pato style

Foreword by Alberto Pimentel - Lisbon. Livraria Ed. de Mattos Moreira

Book announced on Diário Ilustrado, Lisbon 28 December 1875 page 4
3rd edition Lisbon (s.n.) 1888
4th edition corrected Lisbon Typografia Universal 1900
5th edition Lisbon. A.M. Pereira Partnership 1909
6th edition 1924
7th edition, is announced in the Ladies' newspaper no. 4, April 1867 page 8

Cupboard and kitchen: form extracted from a conventual manuscript

coord . by Antonio de Macedo Mengo Lisbon : David Corazzi , 1887

1977 edition. Oporto

The complete chef or the master chef

12th edition Lisbon Joaquim Jose Bordalo, 1884

13th edition Lisbon Joaquim Jose Bordalo, 1889

The art of sewing: a guide for seamstresses, confectioners and pastry chefs

Manuel da Mata. New edition Lisbon. Empresa Litteraria Universal

A handbook of useful and necessary recipes and secrets for all families and artists in general...

6th edition Lisbon. Joaquim Jose Bordalo

New Cook's Handbook

Constantino CarneiroNew Cook's Manual. Paris: Garnier Brothers, Publishers. 

Constantino Carneiro.

New Cook's Handbook containing warnings on the courtesy that should be observed at the table, rules for carving and serving and the best methods of preparing the most delicate and varied delicacies / By [...] chef.Paris: Garnier Brothers. (1890)

Small recipe book by a Portuguese author, printed in Paris, illustrated with numerous pictures interspersed in the text. Late 19th century edition. Editorial cardboard.

The Indispensable Cook

The indispensable cook:

Repository of the best processes for preparing the tastiest delicacies [...].

Porto: Livraria Internacional de Ernest Chardron, 1894,


Amélia de Lobão de Macedo Chaves de Oliveira - Publisher: Famalicão, Typographia Minerva. Dim: 19×12 cm. 399 pages (n.d.)

Note: is not in the BNP.


Kitchen treasure: a complete treatise on culinary art

Porto: Tipografia Gandra


Eduardo Henrique Vieira Coelho de Sequeira
Book with 200 engravings drawn by A. Xavier Pinheiro, J. d`Almeida, Juillerat, Mutzel, Prêtre, etc.
Livraria CRUZ COUTINHO, publisher


BOOKS individual posts

SEAL OF THE SEA collection books

SEAL OF THE SEA collection books


Index books

Index books

Kitchen art

Art of Cookery Art of Cookery: Part One. It deals with how to cook various delicacies and all kinds of meats,

The Practical Cook - 1952

The Practical Cook TITLE: The Practical Cook SUB TITLE: interesting cookery guide within everyone's reach AUTHOR: Mariazinha DATE 1st EDITION: 1952 PUBLISHER:

The Master Cook - 1950

The Master Cook - 1950 TITLE: The Master Cook SUB TITLE: Complete cookery treatise. AUTHOR: "Colecção Laura Santos" DATE 1st PUBLISHED: 1950 PUBLISHER: Editorial Lavores

The Book of Pantagruel - 1945

The Book of Pantagruel TITLE: The Book of Pantagruel SUB TITLE: An interesting cookery guide for everyone AUTHOR: Bertha Rosa Limpo

Ideal cook - 1942

Ideal cook TITLE: Ideal cook SUB TITLE: 2550 practical recipes: 365 lunches, 365 dinners AUTHOR: Alda de Azevedo DATE 1st EDITION: 19523rd Edition - 1943 4th Edition

Sweet Guide to your home - 1934

A guide to the confectioner in your home TITLE: A guide to the confectioner in your home SUB TITLE: Dedicated to Portuguese theatre artists AUTHOR: Maria Margarida DATE 1st

The seamstress - 1932

A cosinheira das cosinheiras TITLE: A cosinheira das cosinheiras SUB TITLE: The art of eating well. Food hygiene and over 500 recipes for sewing,

The Sweet Never Turned Bitter - 1928

O Doce Nunca Amargou - 1928 TITLE: O Doce Nunca Amargou SUB TITLE: Portuguese sweets. History. Decoration. Recipes. AUTHOR: Emanuel Ribeiro 1st EDITION DATE: 1928

25 ways to cook potatoes

25 ways to cook potatoes "FEMINA" COLLECTION TITLE: 25 ways to cook potatoes SUB TITLE: AUTHOR: "FEMINA COLLECTION" DATE 1st EDITION: c. 1920 PUBLISHER: A. de Carvalho.

New Art of Cookery - 1889

Novíssima Arte de Cozinha - 1889 TITLE: Novíssima Arte de Cozinha SUB TITLE: Illustrated with numerous engravings and containing the best culinary recipes available to everyone,

The Seamen's Seamstress - 1870

O cosinheiro dos cosinheiros TITLE: O cosinheiro dos cosinheiros SUB TITLE: A collection of more than 1,500 useful, easy and economical recipes for the kitchen, pantry and sausage-making,

Suplicio dos Doces 1727

Suplicio dos doces TITLE: Suplicio dos doces SUB TITLE: AUTHOR: Silvestre Aranha DATE 1st EDITION: 1727 PUBLISHER: manuscript PRINTED BY: Texto em BiBlioAlimentAriA Alimentação, Saúde e

Kitchen art 1680

Arte de cozinha TITLE: Arte de cozinha SUB TITLE: AUTHOR: Domingos Rodrigues DATE 1st EDITION: 1680 PUBLISHER: PRINTED BY: Oficina da viúva de Lino da

Art of Cookery - 1680

Domingos Rodrigues - 1680 TITLE: Arte de Cozinha SUB TITLE: AUTHOR: Domingos Rodrigues DATE 1st EDITION: 1680 PUBLISHER: PRINTED BY: Lisboa. Officina da Viúva de

Gastronomy collections

Home Industries

Home industries

Home industries - Fruit preserves and jellies

Home industries. Fruit preserves and jellies by Aguilar Lozano. Former head pastry chef at Confiteria y Pasteleria Visconti.

Lisbon. Universal Literary Company. 15, Rua da Era, 17. 1930 h.


Cottage industries - Liqueurs-Cognacs Liqueur wines

Home industries. Liqueurs-Cognacs Liqueur wines by Rosa Maria.

Lisbon. Universal Literary Company. 15, Rua da Era, 17. 1930 h.

Cottage industries - Cheeses and butters

Home industries. Cheeses and butters by Gonzalo Barclay.

Lisbon. Universal Literary Company. 15, Rua da Era, 17. 1930 h.

Cottage industries - Marmalades, Biscuits and Sweets and Eggs

Porto: Editorial Crisos, 1973 Aguilar Lozano

Cottage industries - Sweets and chocolates

Porto: Editorial Crisos, 1973 Aguilar Lozano